Photography Tips For Selling Crafts Online - Ingenious Gifts

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If you make beautiful crafts to sell online, then you need to make sure your photos are perfect. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your items are and how talented you are – if your photos don’t show your homemade crafts in their best light, they’ll have less chance of selling. In this article, we will discuss photography tips for selling crafts online.

You don’t need a super expensive camera and ring light to take the best photos of your items. Often our phone cameras offer all the technology needed.

So, here are our photography tips for selling crafts online.

Stay Natural

Natural sunlight will always give you the best lighting for your photos. Wherever possible, take photos outside. Indoor photos or photos taken with an artificial light will often give a yellowy tinge to your photos and the item. Go natural to get the best possible lighting and colours.

Use Different Cameras

Different items and lighting will look better with different cameras. Have a play with your digital camera, a smartphone and your friends smartphone to see which look you like best. You’ll quickly become more confident with one over the others. That can then be the one you stick to as you learn ways to improve your photos and get the best results.

More The Merrier

Take as many photos as you can. Try different angles, different distances and different sides. You may love the photos you think you were going to hate. These can be used to show your product online at different angles and give the consumer a better feel for your handmade craft item.


Depending on the size of your handmade crafts, your backdrops don’t need to be huge. They also don’t need to be expensive. Poster boards are a great backdrop for many craft backdrops. They’re a couple of pounds from the local craft shop and available in lots of different colours too.

Stage It

If your handmade craft can be used, then show photos of it being used. If you make beautiful coasters take a photo of a cup being placed on it. Make intricate cups? Then stage them with a pot of tea or a cake, for example. It’s all about the staging. Show the consumer how it is to be used so they can picture using it themselves.

These are just some of our top photography tips for selling your crafts online. If you would like more ideas and inspiration, check out the range of photos used by our other sellers.

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